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Python For Security

Comments & Print

My objective is to Use Python to build a program that will print a string to the console.


I will use Windows 10 , PyCharm and Python 3.


Working with User Input

My objective is to Practice working with variables using different mathematical operations.


I will use Windows 10 , PyCharm and Python 3.


Basic Conditions

My objective is to Practice using basic conditional operators in Python.


I will use Windows 10 , PyCharm and Python 3.


Advanced Conditions

My objective is to Practice using advanced conditions and handling out-of-range values.


I will use Windows 10 , PyCharm and Python 3.


Dictionary Lab

My objective is to Practice using a dictionary that stores predefined data that can be randomly requested by a user. 


I will use Windows 10 , PyCharm and Python 3.


Range Loop

My objective is to Practice how to create a range with various inputs in a loop. 


I will use Windows 10 , PyCharm and Python 3.


Loops in Nested Lists

My objective is to Work with nested lists and for loops together with the range function


I will use Windows 10 , PyCharm and Python 3.


Loops with Conditions

My objective is to Practice creating code using while loops and conditions.


I will use Windows 10 , PyCharm and Python 3.


User Dictionary

My objective is to Work with input from users to control the program flow, and insert and retrieve the desired output.


I will use Windows 10 , PyCharm and Python 3.


While and Conditions

My objective is to Implement conditions to control infinite while loops.


I will use Windows 10 , PyCharm and Python 3.


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